Upgrading your energy, sleep and recovery with PEMF

November 17, 2021
Hosted by Wendi Michelle

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There are only a handful of tools that are a MUST have for me for optimal wellness and next level energy. Having tried most all the technology available, something has to be pretty special (and quantifiable) to make it onto this list. In today's episode I chat with Claudia Field, an expert on PEMF therapy. Claudia is such a wealth of knowledge when it comes to this technology, which truly is a tool for anyone to use seeking an upgrade to their resilience, recovery, cellular energy and overall health! To learn more about Bemer or PEMF, please head to: ghp.bemergroup.com or email Claudia direct at myghppartners@gmail.com Thank you for listening and sharing this episode with your family and friends. There is no greater gift than offering information and tools to help others live whole, healthy and free!

Whole, Healthy and Free: Defying the Limitations for Personal Breakthrough

Archives and New Programs Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Whole, Healthy and Free is about reclaiming your health and defying the self and industry-imposed limitations to achieve personal breakthrough. We discuss and identify the obstacles to our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health from a unique perspective focusing on tangible solutions making optimal health the new benchmark and leaving substandard health a thing of the past.

The health and wellness industry has long been misleading and manipulative evidenced by increased disease and lower quality of life despite advancing science, research and technology. Whole, Healthy and Free holds the health industry to a new standard by arming you with insider information and less commonly discussed reasons diets, workout outs, pills and other so-called solutions do not work, then empowering you to take back your health and make informed, personal choices for real life and health breakthrough and victory. Listen for new episodes on the VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel.

Wendi Michelle

From Wendi’s diverse and extensive experience in fitness, medicine, physics, holistic nutrition, cultural health, genetics, ethnobotany, nutrigenomics and biochemistry comes a synergistic wellness approach unlike any other in the industry. Being in both clinical medical settings and behind the scenes in the food industry, her message for holistic health packs significantly more power than simple theory. Her ability to seamlessly merge physical, mental and emotional health utilizing both ancient traditions with future health systems o?ers achievable transformation. Wendi specializes in crafting individualized health solutions that build strong bodies, optimize career performance and limit the potential for physical, mental and emotional health obstacles.

Wendi's knowledge and passion for health grew exponentially when she was faced with a life-threatening disease for which the best prognosis was lifetime disability. Wendi insisted the human body was capable of complete healing and she proved it. Now, armed with both personal experience and tens of thousands of hours of research, Wendi has the ability to spot industrial gaps and create innovative solutions.

In addition to one-on-one coaching and speaking, Wendi is a published author, entrepreneur and Certified Precision Nutritionist. She has served as Director of Advanced Wellness Programs for health centers and is a product innovator for several of her own food, beverage and supplement brands.

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