Sequoia Awards: Inspiring Community Leadership

June 30, 2023
Hosted by Camille Vardy

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Episode Description

What a gem of an episode! Let your heart overflow with optimism and joy. Sequoia Awards provides scholarships to high school seniors in their local community honoring their volunteerism, community service and positive impact. The extraordinary contributions of these remarkable young people are models of what is possible when we dedicate ourselves to Doing Good and when the adults around them nurture, model and reward their good deeds. Sequoia Awards shows us that a few committed people really can change the world. They believe that positive change can best be achieved through an active and engaged citizenry. We hear the stories of many of these inspiring young people and speak with an early award recipient, Jenny Stahler, about how the award impacted her life. Co-founder, Paula Ucelli, and a key organizer, Debra Hall, share with us how grassroots efforts can take the seed of an idea and make profound and pivotal changes in people's lives.

Healthy Wellthy U

Fridays at 10 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Healthy Wellthy U will help you find the tools to become the best version of yourself. We’ll explore all aspects of well-being: nutrition, lifestyle, fitness, mental health, relationships, family, work, finances. It’s you, living your best life. No matter what your current health or life obstacles, we want to help you cross that bridge to your new life. Our experience with food, nutrition, supplements, functional medicine, specific health issues, and every aspect of what it means to be truly healthy, will provide something for every level of interest. Whether you are not getting results from your current medical care or are confused by all the information out there, we make sense of what seems complex and we make the science easy to understand. If you have already studied health, we will bring interesting twists on what you already know. We’ll help you figure out why you haven't achieved your goals and learn strategies to help you create a personal approach that finally works for you.

Camille Vardy

Dr. Camille is deeply committed to understanding the root cause of illness. She is part medical sleuth, part old-fashioned country doctor. She has 28 years of clinical experience, utilizing cutting-edge biochemical, genetic and nutritional perspectives, integrated with insights from her extensive training in Chinese Medicine. She has a master’s degree and a doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. Camille has studied nutrition and biochemistry for 40 years and is a pioneer in the field of Functional Medicine. She taught medicine for over 20 years. Her specialties include immunology, endocrinology, neurochemistry, psychology, environmental illness and detoxification, internal medicine, genetics, and optimum aging.

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