Radio Episodes
12/30/2021 now-what-new-years-resolutions-admissions-and-finance

Now What?; New Year’s Resolutions: Admissions & Finance

Getting In: A College Coach Conversation
Your applications are in. Now what?! We’ll tell you! As the New Year approaches, and with it, resolutions, we’re offering some suggestions for you to consider on both the admissions and personal finance front. Listen Now

1/30/2020 high-school-counselors-local-scholarships-the-last-semester

High School Counselors; Local Scholarships; The Last Semester

Getting In: A College Coach Conversation
Our country is suffering from a ratio of students to school counselors that averages about 455 to 1. In no surprise to anyone, too few counselors is having a negative impact on students. We welcome Harvard professor Mandy Savitz-Romer to the show to share her insights. For high school seniors looking for scholarship money, we have tips for thinking local. And in Office Hours, we have thoughts for those very same seniors as they head into their last semester of high school. Listen Now

1/9/2020 test-optional-mbas-dont-take-the-first-college-offer-you-get

Test Optional, MBAs, Don't Take the First College Offer You Get

Getting In: A College Coach Conversation
After spending hours on your applications, filling out financial aid forms, and waiting for what might feel like an eternity to get an answer, it can be tempting to accept the first offer that comes along. They like you, they really, really like you! And you like them—what’s the problem? We’ll tell you on the show. Listen Now

8/22/2019 college-financing-staff-students-should-know-apply-texas-app

College Financing; Staff Students Should Know; Apply Texas App

Getting In: A College Coach Conversation
When it comes to financing your college education, there are a lot of options. We are going to tell you about them and give you the information you need to make the best choice for your family. Landing on a college campus can be a daunting Listen Now