Danielle Braun-Kauffman

Danielle Braun-Kauffman

Danielle Braun-Kauffman has been a marriage and family therapist and clinical supervisor for over a decade. With a specialization in shame, anxiety, depression, trauma and prenatal and post-partum stress, grief and trauma, she works to experientially meet her clients where they are at on their healing journey. She works to integrate body-based practices that aid in reclaiming one’s body and taking ownership of one's innate worth. She runs and owns a holistic health clinic that includes a number of other like-minded therapists, trauma informed yoga teachers, a mindfulness practitioner and a registered holistic nutritionist. Most recently Danielle is working on her first book which is a blend of memoir and the insights she has gleaned along the way through her own healing and facilitating the healing process with her clients. This book centres around her own story with shame, attachment, trauma, and finding her innate worth.