When One Door Closes

June 9, 2014
Hosted by Susan Ortolano, M.A.,PCC,CMRC

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Episode Description

On this episode of Conscious Soul Mates, Susan and her special guest, Relationship Coach, CEO of Impact Coaching Academy Frankie Doiron will discuss the difficult topic of divorce, its challenges, and how to put the pieces back together in life and love following the end of a marriage or a long term relationship. Rebuilding life after the loss of a partnership is painful and has many aspects to mend. Susan and Frankie will share how life can be reinvented in career, relationship, and sense of self and how to embrace this unique new beginning. Susan and Frankie will also discuss how Professional Relationship Coaching can not only help this process but can also be a new career option for those who need to start a new career chapter in their lives. Whether you are single, struggling in a marriage, or divorced, this show can offer you insights into reinventing yourself and embracing your own new beginning, along with how Professional Coaching can help move life and love forward.

Conscious Soul Mates

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

Conscious Soul Mates with Susan Ortolano offers real tools, education, skills, and understanding, for singles, couples and everyone in between to master the art of successful relationships. With dismal divorce statistics and people just cohabiting with one foot out the door, many singles feel alone, not knowing why they haven’t met the right partner, while many couples perpetually struggle in the most important area of life: love.

Through Susan’s humor, compassion, and intuition you'll learn to have a more conscious, successful relationship. Discover how to improve your skills in the areas of communication, conflict, intimacy, finances, and overcoming unexpected challenges, while understanding the relationship stages everyone experiences with steps to navigate them consciously. Most importantly, learn to uncover your own personal issues, patterns, stories and beliefs that prevent you from experiencing your own self-love as you discover how to live your own great love story.

Susan Ortolano, M.A.,PCC,CMRC

Once upon a time, Susan Ortolano was a little girl dreaming about love, weddings, white picket fences, and the handsome guy on the white horse. After years of bad relationships, a failed marriage, and devastating heartbreak, she discovered the real reason she hadn’t found true love. After much personal growth work, she finally met and is happily married to the love of her life. Her personal experiences, and a devastating illness inspired her to transition from a multiple award-winning high school teacher to a Credentialed Intuitive Relationship Coach and Educator. Susan has a B.A. from UCLA, and an M.A. in Spiritual Psychology, among other credentials and certifications.

Susan skillfully combines finely tuned clairvoyant skills with her coach training and education background to teach singles and couples how to master the art of successful relationships through private coaching and virtual classes. She also trains other coaches for two international coaching schools, and recently became a published author.

Personally, Susan admits to being an obsessed Twilight Saga fan, a sucker for a good story through her love for books, TV, and movies, and a total Facebook junkie. She loves humor, witty banter, and has a passion for helping others. She also loves to study spirituality, astrology, intuition, and is a proud Auntie and Godmother. Susan resides in Southern California with her husband Rick and truly believes that everyone deserves their own happily ever after.

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