It's Your Kidneys...

January 8, 2015
Hosted by Chef Sharynne Frazer

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Episode Description

Today we will discuss the following:

1. The anatomy of the kidneys

2. The function of the kidneys

3. Diseases of the kidneys

4. Kidney stone pathology

5. Kidney stone composition

6. The role your parathyroid and thyroid glands play in good kidney health.

7. The agony of passing a stone and what you can do to assist the kidneys in getting rid of them.

8. What you can do to reduce your risk.

9. The role your diet plays in stone formation in the future.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call Chef Sharynne at 1(866)472-5792 or you can send an email to chefsharynne@rawfoodexpress.

The RAW Truth

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

There is a real solution! Let Chef Sharynne Frazer start you off on the right track with THE RAW TRUTH! Our show is dedicated to educating and exposing many food, medical and health care fallacies. These fallacies can mean the difference between life and death. Chef Sharynne, owner of RAWFoodExpress Café in Las Vegas, will discuss the life threatening importance of mineral and vitamin supplementation. Mineral depletion can cause a wide array of diseases not limited to osteoporosis. Did you know there are over 900 different diseases caused by mineral deficiency and some of them could even result in sudden death?

Chef Sharynne will share with you her countless thoughts, input on health and wellness and the state of today’s modern medicine. Her up to the minute lifestyle changes will shift your thinking towards empowerment. Many opinions you will hear may be counter-intuitive to your current thinking. All we ask is you have an open mind to “The RAW Truth!”

Chef Sharynne Frazer

As a restaurateur, author, speaker, instructor, nutritionist and natural health advocate, Chef Sharynne has earned a reputation for delivering sharp and definitive, up-to-the-minute lifestyle change information. She is both passionate and energetic about her work. Chef Sharynne has been able to help thousands of people learn how to make small changes in lifestyle behavior that add up to big changes in our overall health and wellness. Making simple changes will allow you to enjoy better health, more energy, and greater self-esteem like never before. With more than 30 years in the medical field, Chef Sharynne brings a refreshing approach to change that one can live with for life! Her information is easy to understand and specially designed to teach lifestyle change.

Toll Free: 1-866-472-5792
Intl: 001-480-553-5759

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