Our Answers to the Questions from our Listeners

September 10, 2014
Hosted by Michael and Janiece Boardway with Co-Host and Frequent Guest Tristan Boardway

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Episode Description

During this program, we will be answering all of the amazing questions we have received from our listeners.

Saturn 3 Lightflyers Presents Journey with the New Children, Teens and Adults

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica 7th Wave Channel

With over 20 years as parents of one of the New Children, Michael and Janiece are excited to share their experiences of navigating in a World that has not always been understanding of the new energies, vibrations and ways of being that these individuals bring forth. Whether children are seen as the higher dimensional labels of Indigo, Crystal, Star, Pyramid or the 3 Dimensional labels of ADD/ADHD, Autism, OCD, Bipolar and others, this program explores their uniqueness and special gifts and offers effective ways that will assist everyone on their journey. Topics include the differences of the New Children, the truth about learning disabilities and diagnoses, turning children’s sensitivities into awareness, honoring and keeping their gifts alive while enhancing your own, how the children are assisting us in integrating the new energies, new ways of communicating, and the importance of being present and how this assists in connecting more deeply with ourselves and everyone.

Michael and Janiece Boardway with Co-Host and Frequent Guest Tristan Boardway

Michael and Janiece have been on an amazing journey with the birth of their son, Tristan, in 1993. As parents of one of the New Children, they learned to navigate their way with very little information in a world that didn’t quite understand the uniqueness of these children nor their part in the evolutionary process. By listening to their inner knowing, Michael and Janiece have allowed Tristan to take them on a journey of opening their hearts to living a life that they never could have imagined. From a very young age, Tristan has expressed his gifts and capabilities. He shares the insights that he receives from the Highest Source with everyone he works with, being a clear channel conduit of the loving light enabling them to ascend and become the empowered beings they truly are. Tristan has shared his gifts at the Agape Spiritual Center. He was written about in “The Children of Now” and “The Conversations with the Children of Now.”

Janiece originally receiving her Master’s Degree in Psychology, left the field soon after the birth of Tristan and shifted her focus to a more spiritual realm. Michael is a Licensed Architect and Professor. He has devoted his practice to creating spaces that support and nurture individuals, calling his New Architecture “Energetic Vibrational Green.” They work together as spiritual energy, vibrational and frequency healers, intuitive readers and teachers assisting people all over the world.

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Episode Directory

September 2014

  • 9/10/2014: Our Answers to the Questions from our Listeners Listen Now

August 2014

July 2014

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