Never Get Sick Again... REALLY!

April 5, 2016
Hosted by Nicholas St Jon, N.a.MD

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Episode Description

1 out of 3 men will get prostate cancer, 1 in 5 women will get breast cancer, 50,000 people will die from flu related illnesses this year. Why in the world would we just accept these statistics as NORMAL??? Well, primarily because they are just that, statistics, of a group of people with sup-optimal, weak, compromised, or suppressed Immune Systems. Sub-Optimal... The truth is you only have a sub-optimal Immune System because no one has told you how to have an OPTIMAL Immune System.
We get sick from Ebola, Zika, the Flu, Cancer, Pneumonia, Epstein-Bar, Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, Lyme's disease, Malaria, Crohn's, and every other disease primarily for one reason, we don't have an OPTIMAL Immune System.
In this episode, I'll be covering drugs we are being put on that weaken our Immune System as well as many other ways that are compromising our Immune Systems.
Quit playing catch up, waiting for someone else to figure out how to stop the Zika virus, or cure cancer, or develop the next vaccine

The Health Cure Show

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

The Health Cure Show is unlike any show that you’ve heard because Nicholas St Jon sees things a bit differently than most everyone else. Where “prevention” is discussed in some shows, our show will major on prevention, teaching you the simplest, easiest and most inexpensive ways to strengthen your immune system, young and old alike. Most who just tell you what to do, Nicholas follows that up with why to do it, expected results, why it works and why it will work for you too! The protocols Nicholas has developed won't be accepted by the internal medical community in general, maybe by a few anomalies, but those that make the rules aren't going to embrace these protocols without a ground swell of “We The People” making a grassroots effort, taking these to our doctors one at a time, educating them to the power of these protocols.

Nicholas St Jon, N.a.MD

Nicholas St Jon is a Research Scientist and Author specializing in Viral Infectious Diseases and Rogue Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. He utilizes the case history, case studies, clinical studies, anecdotal testimonials and research by PhDs, MDs, DOs, NDs, and DCs including two time individual Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling PhD also the grandfather of Modern Chemistry.

With over 500 hours of topic specific research, Nicholas has assembled protocols that will one day become standard in doctor's offices and emergency rooms across America and around the world. There are talkers and there are doers, Nicholas is a doer, having written three protocols for healthcare workers before, during and after they go into the Ebola Hot Zones to protect themselves from becoming yet another victim and statistic of that disease that also claimed almost 280 doctors and healtcare workers.

He's also written protocols for protecting children against “forced” vaccinations to ensure they don't have an adverse reaction and if they do, he has a protocol to stop the damage within the first four hours. Nicholas' protocols can take your immune system to levels we've never before imagined possible. He's often called the “Virus Whisperer”.

His slogan is “The Future is NOW!” because what you will learn will put you years ahead of your time. You won’t have to wait for these protocols to be implemented by the internal medically trained community some 5,10,25 or even 50 years from now.

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