Why thyroid health awareness is important for ALL women

December 8, 2017
Hosted by Lynne Wadsworth

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Episode Description

The thyroid affects our entire hormone balance and virtually every system in our bodies. Yet thyroid imbalances affect 1 in 5 adult women and are often either wrongly treated or not diagnosed at all, leaving millions of women suffering with terrible symptoms and no effective answers. This important conversation will detail why we can't rely on regular lab tests to know if our thyroid levels are where they should be, what we can do to take charge of our thyroid health for life, how to assure that we are in top thyroid health at any age.

Living Life Naturally

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Are you suffering from lack of energy, weight gain or other health issues, sugar addictions, stress or other health issues? If so, our show is a great place to learn how to deal with some of your health concerns. Lynne gives you tips and ways to live a healthier lifestyle that is energized and attainable. We also touch on subjects such as migraines, weight loss, hormonal issues, clean and healthy eating and how you can age gracefully and healthily. We talk about some of the natural ways you can become healthier, such as through simple additions of herbs and spices to your recipes. Lynne believes that you will learn ways that are easily incorporated into your lifestyle that will help you achieve some of your health goals. If you suffer with migraines, Lynne has plenty of ways to integrate natural ways to prevent and lower the pain of Migraine.

Lynne Wadsworth

Lynne Wadsworth, a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York, is an AADP Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Holistic Health Coach and Certified Wellness Cooking Instructor. She is the owner of Holistic Health and Wellness, LLC.

She is passionate about helping people reach sustainable health and fitness goals. Lynne specializes in helping people with weight issues and migraine issues through holistic and natural remedies. She also loves to work with people to reach health goals whether through issues such as cholesterol, high blood, anti-inflammatory or digestive issues. She works with people for stress management and lifestyle change. She offers a non-judgment atmosphere geared to maximize achievable and sustainable health goals.

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Episode Directory

December 2017

  • 12/8/2017: Why thyroid health awareness is important for ALL women Listen Now
  • 12/1/2017: What do you do when you have serious digestive issues? Listen Now

November 2017

October 2017

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