Encore: Depression, Anxiety and Mental Health Issues Impact Relationships

December 14, 2017
Hosted by Karen Collins Aceti, LCSW and Dr. Massimiliano Aceti

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Episode Description

We discuss how depression, anxiety and other mental health issues can contribute to your relationship stress and dissatisfaction. Experiencing depression and anxiety is very difficult and can impact all areas of your life including relationships. If you or your partner are experiencing depression, anxiety or other mental health issues, it is possible that the perception of any situation can become distorted. You may think a situation is worse than it is, you may be more irritable and more easily annoyed with your partner, more distant, less forgiving, you may not see any hope within the relationship, and you may think that the only solution is to end the relationship. If there are underlying issues with depression and anxiety, treatment of these issues can allow the opportunity for better resolution of the relationship stress.In addition, understanding and support of a partner with depression and anxiety can be invaluable.

Coupled Up

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

If your goal is to be close to your partner, every interaction needs to be with that goal in mind. On Coupled Up, we will discuss how to develop a great relationship for those who are single and searching to the couple that has been married for decades. We will offer examples with clear direction on how to navigate common issues within relationships. You’ll learn how to define what you want in a relationship and how to get it, how to stay close and become even closer together, how setting goals as a couple strengthens your partnership, how to protect your relationship and how to be the best partner that you can be. You will even learn how to use your disagreements to build your relationship up and get closer than you were before the disagreement. During every show, we will suggest a relationship challenge that you can try out to get closer to your partner immediately.

Karen Collins Aceti, LCSW and Dr. Massimiliano Aceti

Karen Collins has extensive experience in both private practice and psychiatric settings with expertise in mental health and relationship building. Karen earned her Master Degree in Social Work from The Ohio State University and studied Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Gottman Couples Therapy and Collaborative Couple Therapy (CCT). She has written two books, In the Pink, Developing Healthy Relationships and Above Sea Level, Depression Management. She has spent a significant amount of her career working with couples to develop and strengthen their relationship and to gain the skills needed to handle issues in a way that brings couples closer together no matter what the issue is.

Massimiliano (Max) Aceti is an Italian neuroscientist earning his PhD in Cognitive Psychology and Psychophysiology at the University of Rome “Sapienza” studying how brain regions are involved in cognitive processes such as learning, memory and forgetfulness. Max has published several papers on the fundamental roles of brain structures and their functions. Max studied at the Cognitive Psychotherapy School in Rome, Italy mastering Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Relationship/Systemic models. Since moving to the United States in 2010, Max has completed research at The Scripps Research Institute on how genetic mutations may impact brain structure and function in many neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability and Schizophrenia.

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December 2017

  • 12/14/2017: Encore: Depression, Anxiety and Mental Health Issues Impact Relationships Listen Now

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