Hidden Secrets to Health - 05/16/19

May 16, 2019
Hosted by Kristina Cole, FDN-P

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Episode Description

Hidden Secrets to Health

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Hidden Secrets to Health is about uncovering lifestyle choices that are impacting your health. We’ll discuss these choices, from the tools you use in the kitchen, to cleaning products, stress and the foods you eat.

My mission is to empower you to make small changes that could have a big impact on how you feel, from why the weight won’t come off, to feeling depressed or anxious and not understanding why. We will be covering topics such as everyday toxins in your home, the benefits of mindful breathing and mindful eating habits, the impact of stress and how to make small changes that improve your quality of life.

Kristina Cole, FDN-P

Kristina Cole, FDN-P is a certified holistic health coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, with additional extensive study in Functional Medicine. Kristina comes from a corporate background in Finance and Regulations. She is formerly a CCO in the financial services sector and subject matter expert in Healthcare Regulations. She holds a BA in Business and an MBA. Kristina is a Certified Healthcare Professional, and Certified Healthcare Compliance Professional.

Kristina channeled her love of learning and digging into information to the field of health coaching and functional medicine. Through her own health journey, she made a career change into one of helping others finding true health by uncovering healing opportunities. Kristina is a member of AADP, INHC, Evolution of Medicine, AFDNP, and holds a certificate in Environmental Toxins along with practical applications and use of Essential Oils.

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Episode Directory

May 2019

  • 5/16/2019: Hidden Secrets to Health - 05/16/19 Listen Now
  • 5/9/2019: Breast Implant Illness - What are the Signs? Listen Now
  • 5/2/2019: Stress and Hormones- How the DRESS Protocol Works Listen Now

April 2019

March 2019

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