Overcoming Digestive Disorders

December 24, 2020
Hosted by Dr. Bob King with Co-Host Cindy Hall

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Episode Description

Most chronic diseases start in the gut. In similar fashion to the respiratory system where even pneumonia starts out as a cough, Degenerative digestive (and other) diseases start as constipation or nervous gut. Even though digestion may not be at the top of your must study list, knowledge of what often goes wrong and what to do about it yourself can in the end make the difference between survival and early death. Join us as we outline the problems and solutions related to our humble digestive tract and the associated organs. Live long and prosper!

Recover and Thrive

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

This program is about regaining and maintaining health and wellness through diet, lifestyle, and faith in God. Our instruction is based on eight foundational principles of health, recovery, and wellness. The typical diet and lifestyles for the United States of America is damaging to health, and the orthodox medical system does little more than stabilize a sick body. It has been said that we eat food produced by an industry that knows nothing about medicine, and we receive medical care from an industry that cares little to nothing about food.

We will discuss the state of health and disease, recovery from disease, nutrition, the role of sunshine, fresh air, exercise, proper use of water, rest, self-control and trust in God. Herbal medicine will be addressed, but I am slow to recommend and use herbs, since they do not heal the body unless the proper lifestyle changes have been made.

The perspective is that of a Naturopathic Physician, not a dietician.

Dr. Bob King with Co-Host Cindy Hall

Dr. Robert King, N.D. directs a school of Natural Medicine in Mexico with the help of the Albert Schweitzer Institute. The medical students also serve as ministry staff. The school continues to minister particularly to the poor and helpless through medical training/consultation, a children’s ministry, radio ministry, partnerships with other ministries in Coahuila, Mexico and feeding programs. The ministry operates on a freewill offering basis. Dr. King holds distinctions in the following areas:

Research Assistant in the Biochemical Pharmacology Department (Cancer research) of the Noble Foundation, Ardmore, Oklahoma for 4 years
Senior Research Assistant in the Cell Biology Department (Degenerative diseases) of the Noble Foundation, Ardmore, Oklahoma for 9 years
Senior Research Assistant in the Cell Biology Department (Cancer research) of the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma for 3 years
Additionally, Dr. King has held positions as the Financial Controller, Vice- President and later President of Hungry Kids International, Inc. ministering to the helpless through Children’s homes, benevolence ministries and Natural Medicine in Quemado, Texas for over 24 years. Dr. King still serves as President of Hungry Kids International, Inc. He was awarded Doctor of Naturopathy and Eclectic Medicine from the Albert Schweitzer Institute of Pastoral Medicine in Monterrey, Mexico in 2019.

Toll Free: 1-866-472-5792
Intl: 001-480-553-5759

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