The MANipulation Vibration

June 7, 2024
Hosted by Maria Gingras and Samantha Shea

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Episode Description

The energy of MANipulation is something that's been imprinted INto every human. It stems from fear and the egoic need to 'control' things in our external realities. Innerstanding this potent energy is vital as we shift into Higher states of consciousness. BEcoming aware of our own INtentions, while being able to discern others', is ONE way that we can start noticing where the energy of MANipulation appears in our lives. When we're truly living in and coming from a state of LOVE, there is no need to manipulate anyone or anything, for we trust completely in the unfolding of life's experiences. In this episode, Sam & Maria discuss how the energy of manipulation can creep INto our realtities, even when we BELIEVE we're serving from a place of LOVE. As the human collective continues to evolve, we're ALL being called to SELF reflect & SEE where our own shadows are manipulating ONEself & those around us.

Shamanic Soul SiSTARs

Podcast Episodes Available On Demand On VoiceAmerica Variety Channel

Our core message is to empower & inspire others to connect with their innate healing capabilities & deep inner wisdom. We are here to show humanity that we're ALL worthy of living a healthy, happy & fulfilling life- should each of us so choose. Our mission is to merge multiple modalities (from our experiences as Registered Nurses) & energy medicine to reawaken people to the importance of the mind, body, Soul connection. Our approach is holistic, and our message is LOVE. The purpose of our show is to spread awareness through our experiences as nurses within "the system" to our journeys into energy medicine & the unseen world of Spirit.

Maria Gingras and Samantha Shea

Maria is a certified Shamanic practitioner, psychic intuitive medium, akashic records reader, medical intuitive, trance energy worker/healer & board-certified RN holistic health & wellness coach. She has learned through her own personal journey how to heal physical disease and mental & emotional ailments through deep meditation & introspection, energy work, help from Spirit & transformative life-style changes. Her mission is to empower others to awaken to their own inner gifts, innate healing capabilities and the Light within. She is intuitive and empathic by nature. Through her deep connection with Spirit Maria acts as a clear channel to deliver loving messages to her clients from Higher states of consciousness & the Spiritual realm. Her genuine compassion for humanity is felt within her presence & she is here to provide guidance and support to those who seek it. All the services she & her business partner Samantha offer are available via their website @

Samantha is a certified Shamanic practitioner, psychic intuitive medium, akashic records reader, medical intuitive, trance energy healer, regression hypnotherapist & Soul empowering life coach. Through her years of experience as an Oncology RN & her own self-healing journey she has learned how to embrace "the shadows" of life & transform them into gifts of LOVE & light. Her mission is to help others in also stepping into their innate healing powers & deep wisdom within. Samantha honors each individual's uniqueness and intuitively tailors her modalities to create empowering & life-transformative sessions for her clients. She started Branches of Vibrational Healing LLC so she could follow her heart's passions & soul's mission of igniting the Light within each one of us.

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