September 9, 2024
Hosted by Elizabeth Monroy

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A powerful SHIFT has occurred due to the 888 Lion’s Gate portal through Siris B producing a massive influx of energy to our planet, colossal solar flares pushed the Schumann Resonance to a new level! This is a joyous occasion for our Mother Earth who has entered a whole new frequency! The New Earth is here! The Krystal River Fail Safe Host is taking hold and the KRYSTALA Spiral is reaching massive amounts of quantum coupled with the Nomi Wave which has cleared the fallen angelic’s demonic trumpet pulses and is allowing us to move into a new octave cycle of uplifting positive energy! These next eight years we will have the opportunity to co-create the kind of world we want to LIVE by aligning with INFINITE SOURCE and the KRYSTALA spiral of LIFE! It is a rare opportunity to make all your dreams come true and they WILL come true! Many of us will be called to co- create and participate in NEW EARTH communities. These will be strategically positioned hubs around our Mother Earth where we will serve as the Guardians of our Mother Earth maintaining the extremely high frequencies. They will become the prototype communities of the New Earth where people will come to be healed, to learn, co create and to restore their divine blueprint! These will be true Krystic cloisters that will serve to stabilize and disperse the incoming frequencies helping our Mother Earth in her ascension and restoration of her divine blueprint. The First wave of Volunteers are The FOUNDER RACES highly genetically encrypted divine infinite angelic beings who volunteered to come to this Time Matrix to BE THE CHANGE and help to make our Mother Earth and our entire UNI-verse transmute its darkness and re-align with the KRYSTALA path of ASCENSION moving onto the KRYSTALA Spiral of LIFE. These highly evolved beings have been hidden in and out of time for their own safety and are waking up now from their comatose state of unawareness. These are the leaders who will create leaders, the founders of the New Earth. But it ALL begins and ends WITHIN YOU!

The Infinite Human Talk Show

Monday at 9 AM PST on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

The is emerging on the face of the Earth a new Human and infinite Human and that human is you! Join Elizabeth Monroy weekly for discussions, activations, meditations and visualizations with other blossoming infinite human beings who are shifting the old paradigms of our broken finite, fragmented, corrupted 3D Earth and alchemizing it into a more infinite, expansive, unified reality by reclaiming their true divine infinite power as the co-creators of the new infinite Earth. We will be discussing topics that help individuals to evolve physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially and socially shedding the old finite Earth paradigms and belief systems. We will be interviewing guests, having enlightening conversations and co -creating a new consciousness renaissance so people can find their own soul- utions to many problems our world is NOW facing from within and BE THE CHANGE by seeing, being and living life from a higher perspective of knowing WE ARE ALL ONE!

Elizabeth Monroy

Elizabeth Monroy is an International Author, Talk Show Host, Film Director, Producer, Intuitive Life Coach, Visionary and New Earth Co Creator. Her spiritual books support humanity’s ascension process including Children’s books, Romance Novels and her latest book, The Infinite Human, an Ascension Guide for Awakening Infinite Human Beings, the Co-creators of the Infinite New Earth. She holds a Masters of Science in Mental Health Counseling and has traveled the planet with her husband, Peter Monroy a physician, laying a foundation for a higher modality of divine inner healing which they wrote about in their book The Pathway Home. Elizabeth has worked within the educational system for years and frustrated by the lack of creativity and independent thought, she moved to Florence, Italy where she founded The Infinite Human School for Visionaries of the New Consciousness Renaissance. Elizabeth now lives in a villa overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in Sicily with Kiki her Pomeranian dog and Peter, her twin soul though no longer in the physical is always with her in spirit. They travel the planet giving speaking engagements, workshops, esoteric tours and co-creating New Earth Communities to support our Mother Earth and humanity's shift from the dark HIS-tory of Earth to OUR-STORY as we reset to the Infinite!

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Episode Directory

September 2024

  • 9/9/2024: THE NEW EARTH IS HERE AND NOW!!! Listen Now
  • 9/2/2024: Encore Laying the INFINITE HUMAN FOUNDATION! Listen Now

August 2024

July 2024

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