Are your beliefs empowering or sabotaging your success?

March 6, 2018
Hosted by Alma Besserdin

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Episode Description

Beliefs are the thoughts in our head that influence our behavior, attitude and actions. The beliefs that affect our lives are either Empowering Beliefs which enable us to lead flourishing lives or Self Limiting Beliefs that stop us from achieving our goals and where we live a life where we languish and flounder. One of the most common reasons people fail to achieve their goals is simply because they don’t believe they can achieve it. They’re lacking self-belief. Dr. Demartini says “Your values arise from and are therefore determined by your conscious or unconscious voids (what you perceive as most missing). What you perceive as most missing (void) in your life therefore becomes what you perceive as most important (value). Your underlying private voids drive your overlying public values.” In this episode Alma Besserdin talks to Dr. Demartini how to discover your purpose and maximize your success.

The Global Workplace

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Business Channel

Skilled migrants face many global challenges with qualifications not recognized and jobs below their capabilities. Studies show that women mostly have difficulties in finding their career path in a new country due to lack confidence and fewer opportunities. Employers insist on “local experience” regardless of their transferable skills and experience. What is local experience in a global environment? Often migrants must change their names even to get interviews. Many countries don’t have an infrastructure to help skilled migrants to integrate, adjust to the new environment, or find appropriate employment. Our show will look at these issues and explore what countries and industries can do to create a culture of inclusive leadership, diversity and equality at the workplace, what the benefits are and what changes are required for the workplace of the future.

Alma Besserdin

Alma Besserdin is the Founder of Wimmigrants of Australia. As a professional woman immigrant, she had to deal with challenges of immigration herself which inspired her to establish Wimmigrants. Her vision is to help other professional women immigrants (Wimmigrants) achieve their career aspirations and become leaders in their workplace and community.

Alma’s background and corporate experience as a senior executive, gives her unique skills and knowledge to assist organizations to create a culture of diversity, innovation and engagement.

Alma has held senior executive roles in leadership development, HR management, change management, culture change and business transformation within medium to large private and government organizations. Her extensive experience covers industry sectors including financial services, telecommunications, retail, utilities; manufacturing, government, regulatory and NFP.

Alma holds a Bachelor of Law and Post Graduate in Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations. She is a State Councilor and Fellow of the Australian Human Resources Institute and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a former Board Director at the Crohn’s and Colitis Australia (CCA) and a Neuro Linguistic Practitioner (NLP), Coach and a Mentor. Alma was a Telstra Women’s Business Award Nominee in 2016 and was awarded a Government Scholarship for the Board Leadership and Mentoring Program for Culturally Diverse Women.

Episode Directory

April 2018

March 2018

  • 3/27/2018: Gender and Pay Equality - are they improving? Listen Now
  • 3/20/2018: Karen Hayes,CEO Guide Dogs on Australia's most trusted Charity Listen Now
  • 3/13/2018: Advancing Diversity with Jack Myers Listen Now
  • 3/6/2018: Are your beliefs empowering or sabotaging your success? Listen Now

February 2018

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