Souls on their way to our planet earth. Spiritual support through pregnancy and childbirth
October 12, 2015
Hosted by Ingrid Auer
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Episode Description
Regarding pregnancy and child birth there is already a plethora of publications to choose from, covering all the stages and offering education and insight. To this very day, though, one crucial subject remains largely untouched, consciously so or not: Spirituality. Let’s be honest here - hardly anybody talks about it. In proportion to the significance it carries for the well-being of the future mother and her yet to be born child, as a society, we don’t give this theme the attention it deserves. The need to bring spirituality into this rather unexplored corner of life is intensifying. This is a simply so, because the changes and transformation that mankind has been undergoing for quite a while now, are revving up. So, the issue is not “which faith” and “which religion”, but spiritual knowledge that reaches deep into the areas covering pregnancy and child birth and in this way, complements what orthodox medicine and its holistic counterpart are already bringing to the table.
Spiritual Help for Everyday Life
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Which role should we assign to spirituality in the 21st century? Is there still room for it? Or, don’t we need help anymore in this area? Can we master life and its problems all by ourselves? Maybe it’s even inappropriate to talk about spirituality in public, showing that one cares.
Spirituality is always confused with religion or being religious, but actually it has nothing to do with either, because it isn’t tied to any specific creed. Truly spiritual people recognize a greater consciousness, a “heavenly power”, so to speak, and they knowingly integrate this power in their daily lives because they are aware that we are all part of this consciousness.
Learn more about the spiritual world and acquire “new spiritual tools” which you can use on a daily basis, be it at home or at work. These tools will also prove helpful and lend efficiency with any clients you might have.
Ingrid Auer
Ingrid Auer is one of Europe’s leading mediums, channeling messages and energized symbols and essences from both the Angels and Ascended Masters. Since 1998 she has been writing 14 spiritual books, which she has received as a medium.
At the center of her work are energized symbols, and essences, which are not only used by private individuals, but also doctors, healing practitioners, energy practitioners and teachers, with great success.
The energized symbols and essences have also proved to work well in the areas of pregnancy, childbirth and childcare. Additionally, they are effective during care for the terminally-ill, and those who are grieving.
Ingrid founded, and manages, the company Lichtpunkt, and Ekonja publishing in Austria, and is currently promoting her work throughout the U.S.