Where we have been and what lies ahead

August 30, 2016
Hosted by Carole A. Oglesby, PhD

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Episode Description

Coming to the end of this Series and our portion of 'The Long Road Up', we have guests who can share, not only perceptions of the journey thus far, but most importantly the way forward. Their perspectives focus on progress and obstacles in the racially diverse USA and giving an overview of the 'super continent' of our planet: Africa. Gabarone Botswana is the 2018 site of the next meeting of the global women's sport advocacy community at the World Congress of the International Working Group of Women in Sport. You will want to know more and make plans to attend.

Women and Sport: The Long Road Up

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

Women and Sport: The Long Road Up traces the pathway of women’s place in sport from the 1950s when girls and women were limited to play days, milk and cookies after “light competition,” to the impact of some of the most driven, talented, and charismatic figures who re-defined and transformed sport itself. Few people know these incredible women. Let’s make them friends of ours!

You will learn how the human spirit can overcome virtually anything if the will is present along with the talent. We can learn it is never “too late” or “too hard” to discover an inner athlete and to keep moving on our own life commitments.

We trace historical roots, examine strategies to get new women’s sports into Olympic and collegiate programs, how women overcame discrimination, bias, and hate, finding the excitement, joy and lifelong mentors and colleagues along the way and finally we speculate about what lies ahead.

Carole A. Oglesby, PhD

Carole A. Oglesby was a top level softball player from age twelve to thirty-two. She MADE three national softball championship appearances and coached collegiate teams for ten years. Carole earned doctorates in Kinesiology and Counseling in 1969 and 1999. She was the editor of Encyclopedia of Women in Sport in America and Women and Sport: From Myth to Reality, as well as author of over 50 academic and research publications. She is a recipient of the Women’s Sports Foundation Billie Jean King Contribution award, American Psychological Association Div.47 Lifetime Contribution in Public Service and AAHPERD McKinzie Award for Service Outside the Profession. She is a former President of WomenSport International and current Co-Chair of the International Working Group on Women and Sport.

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Episode Directory

August 2016

  • 8/30/2016: Where we have been and what lies ahead Listen Now
  • 8/23/2016: Coaching Empowerment: Going global Listen Now
  • 8/16/2016: Safe and empowering spaces for diverse sport communities Listen Now
  • 8/9/2016: Finding resources: By any means necessary Listen Now
  • 8/2/2016: How the Media Sees, Re-Creates Us Listen Now

July 2016

June 2016

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