Radio Episodes
10/29/2019 b2b-revenue-growth-strategic-social-engagement

B2B Revenue Growth: Strategic Social Engagement

Changing the Game in Revenue Growth, Presented by SAP
The buzz: “Marketing to businesses is very different than marketing to individual consumers” ( With the world a digital stage, today’s B2B buyer expects your company to engage them with intelligence and personalization on their own terms, wherever they are in the buying lifecycle, on their preferred platforms from Twitter to Facebook and LinkedIn. Listen Now

10/6/2016 social-media-done-right-super-brand-impact

Social Media Done Right: Super Brand Impact

Changing the Game in Revenue Growth, Presented by SAP
The buzz: “Managers do things right. Leaders do the right thing” -Drucker- Social media is ubiquitous in the personal and professional spaces, and your company and your employees are expected to take part. Listen Now